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★ CIS-PTSA Event ★

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★ Entrance Ceremony 2023-2024/2023年度 入学式 ★

On April 9th, the entrance ceremony was held at school, welcoming our new students of various grades.
To all new students, we hope that your time at CIS will be full of opportunities to learn new things and create fantastic memories!
4月9日 日曜日、快晴の中入学式が行われました。 新入生の皆さん、これから始まる学校生活が、生き生きとした学びの多いものとなりますよう応援いたします。ぜひ楽しんでください!
To all of the new parents and guardians, we're happy to have you! We look forward to working with you to make the student's experience at school better than ever before.
Skipping ahead to April 15th, we had our first monthly PTSA board member's meeting. There, we were able to meet some new faces, which we were very excited about. We look forward to seeing more volunteers and staff join us in our monthly meetings, as well as in the events that are to come throughout the year.
Finally, we would like to note that all parents and guardians are always welcome to become a volunteer or staff of PTSA. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us!
4月15日 土曜日には、今年度第1回目の定例役員会が開かれ、新入生の保護者さまも早速ご参加くださいました。ありがとうございます。とても嬉しく思います。

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★ Report/報告 ★

PTSA paid part of the futsal goal costs as a donation to G7-12. Also, we sent a Sports Day fund to Kinder-G6.

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★ Dental Lecture/歯科医による講演会 ★

On May 8th, Dr. Iguchi, the director of Iguchi Dental Clinic(いぐち歯科クリニック, and Dr. Nakahama, an orthodontist, gave a lecture to the students about dental health. The students learned about four topics, which were:
@Teeth during its growth period and how to take care of it.
AWhat to do when you damage your mouth or chip your teeth.
BGood teeth alignment.
CThe importance of having an education about dental health from a young age.
With the annual school-wide health check scheduled on May 12th, we believe this lecture helped students to learn and gain insights into why maintaining dental health is significant.
Due to the lecture being delayed by a few months from the original date in the previous school year, we had to hold this event on the day without prior notice. For this reason, the parents and guardians were not able to attend the lecture. However, the dentists included information directed toward the parents and the guardians. As a result, we have recorded and will share the second and third parts of the lecture. The link to the videos will be listed below, so if you are interested, please take a look.

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★ School Uniform Bazaar/制服バザー ★

On June 7th, we held a uniform bazaar, as well as a parents / guardians get-together during the first parents day of the year. Thankfully, we had a lots of visitors. Thank you so much for those who visited!
6/7(水)今年度初めての保護者参観日に、制服バザーと保護者懇親会の場が開催されました。 多くの方にご来場いただき、ご協力ありがとうございました。
During the bazaar, we generated 61,510 yen in total. All of this money will be donated to the school, which will be used to improve the students' experience at school.
We will keep you up to date with all of the activities here on PTSA website, so please check the website now and then, if interested.

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★ Emergency food stock/災害時非常食 ★

We prepared to swap in the new emergency food stock in place of last year's stock on June 7th.
As you may know, it is important to renew the food stocks every year in order to avoid them from being expired. For this reason, PTSA purchases a new set of food stocks each year, keeping it ready to be used all year round. The food stocks from the last year we will be swapping it out in favour of the new stock will later be distributed to the students to eat, so please try it out with your children.
ご承じと思いますが、いざ非常食を使用する時に消費期限切れとなる事態を避けるため、 非常食はPTSA会費から毎年度新たに購入し更新を行なっています。 前年度の非常食は後日、生徒へ配りますので、保護者の皆さまも味見ください。
【Emergency foods distributed in the past】
The next step to renewing the emergency stock is to order the food stock, which PTSA will be doing soon. If you have any ideas on new kinds of emergency food stocks, please feel free to contact us. ※Please be aware that we may not use your ideas of issues regarding allergies is expected from the suggested product.
昨年度も非常食を使用する事なく過ごせたことに感謝をし、近日中に今年度分の非常食の発注を行います。そこで、もしお勧めの非常食案などがありましたら、ぜひPTSAへご連絡ください。 ※ご提案いただきましてもアレルギー対応などの観点から、ご希望に添えない場合もございます。予めご了承ください。

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★ Open Day 2023 Spring/2023年度春 学校公開日 ★

The school had an open day on Saturday June 24th. We had a lot of visitors who came around to observe the class of their interest.
During the day, some of the PTSA members who are also the parents of students from elementary and secondary school got involved in the event, answering the questions from visitors. Meanwhile, several students from each grade guided the visitors around, answering questions too from the student's perspective.
PTSA役員からは、幼小中高のそれぞれを代表して参加し、来校者の方々からの質問に保護者の率直な体験談等をお答えしました。 各課程の在校生は積極的に校内を案内しながら来校者へ応対していました。
In addition, alumni students were also invited to school to help out with the questionnaires, which they answered from their past experiences at Columbia and their current life.

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★ JAPANADA DAY 2023/2023年度 ジャパナダデー ★

On Thursday July 6th, the school celebrated Japan+Canada Day=“Japanada Day” under a terrific weather condition. As usual, the preschool and elementary students, and the junior and senior students enjoyed various activities including water balloon fights on the field. This year, unlike the previous years, the parents and guardians were also invited to join the students in the activities. We hope you had a great time with the students at school!
After the major events were completed, both students and the teachers enjoyed poutine, a Canadian dish.
For this event, the PTSA board members mainly contributed in planning and preparing for this event, as well as helping the teachers run the event on the day.

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★ Reporting Sport Equipment donation/寄付の報告 ★

PTSA Activity Report:
Donation of Sport Equipment to Elementary School
The PTSA has donated new sport equipment to elementary school.
The school had lacked amounts of certain sport equipment including basketballs and soccer balls. In addition, some equipment were in bad quality which was also a problem. The PTSA had a meeting discussing this and decided on purchasing equipment for the school.
The equipment was donated and presented to the elementary students on September 4th, the first day of fall term. The equipment has been used in PE classes and various club activities.
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
エレメンタリーより、 汚損による買い換えや数量不足のための追加が検討されていたスポーツ用品等の購入要望があり、役員会で検討後、承認。PTSAから学校に寄贈しましたことをここに報告いたします。

・Hockey sticks
・Tennis balls for throwing
・Volleyballs for outdoors
・Bean bags
・Mesh Ball Bags
・Soccer Ball for outside
・Soft sponge balls
・Hula hoops
16 piece set
30 balls pack
4 sets of 12
4 sets of 10
・ホッケー スティック
・バレーボール 屋外用
・メッシュ ボールバッグ
・サッカーボール 屋外用
TOTAL: 264,963 yen 合計金額 264,963 円

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